Cidari Education Limited (Cidari Multi Academy Trust)

Company Number: 08822760

Registered office address: Clayton House, Walker Park, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 2QE

Company type: Private company limited by guarantee without share capital

Incorporated on: 20 December 2013

A list of Cidari Trustees, their attendance and terms of office can be found here (opens in new window).

A list of Trustee declarations can be found here (opens in new window).

A link to Companies House page can be found here (opens in new window).

A link to the latest audited Financial Statement and Published Accounts can be found here (opens in new window).

A link to the published document of high paid staff can be found here (opens in new window)

Statutory Documents

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Updated: 21/10/2024 2.98 MB
Updated: 21/10/2024 35 KB

In 2020 the Trust moved all Academies to the new 2018 v6 Mainstream Academy and Free School: Supplemental Funding Agreement.

The full document including signed deed of variation (including all schedules and original Master and Supplemental Funding Agreements) can be viewed or downloaded below:

Full Deed of Variation, Master & Supplemental Funding Agreements

Updated: 17/09/2021 24.62 MB

Extracted from the full signed Deed of Variation are the following documents:

Current Master Funding Agreement

Updated: 17/09/2021 1.49 MB

Revised Supplemental Funding Agreements (2020, New Model) for the following Academies.

Supplemental Funding Agreements (New Model)

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The following Academies are not included in the Deed of Variation as they converted post 31st August 2020 with the 2018 Model Supplemental Funding Agreement.

Supplemental Funding Agreements Conversions Post 31st August 2020

Updated: 17/09/2021 6.06 MB
Updated: 01/02/2022 1.11 MB